The “How not to
Run Out” Tool.
There are specific PPE supplies that must be on hand
for patients and clinicians. The PPE Estimator is a
scenario planner that is used to determine the supplies
you need, based on key factors and usage. Utilizing
instant insight into supply levels, patient counts,
materials in warehouses, storage area inventory,
backorders, and expected incoming shipments enables
you to determine your imminent need and have
confidence in what to order. It can also be used to plan
for other non-PPE supplies.

The “How not to
Run Out” Tool.
There are specific PPE supplies that must be on hand
for patients and clinicians. The PPE Estimator is a
scenario planner that is used to determine the supplies
you need, based on key factors and usage. Utilizing
instant insight into supply levels, patient counts,
materials in warehouses, storage area inventory,
backorders and expected incoming shipments enables
you to determine your imminent need and have
confidence in what to order. It can also be used to plan
for other non-PPE supplies.
Instant visibility into PPE Supplies
View levels, locations, and status of supplies along
with anticipated cases and usage patterns.
with anticipated cases and usage patterns.

Intelligence-driven planning for your
Combine supply levels with anticipated cases and
usage patterns to plan your needs.
usage patterns to plan your needs.

Ease of maintaining
supply levels
Determine needed supplies based on key factors.

Get Started
Waiting is the hardest part. So, we’ve developed options for
you to try us out now, at no cost. That will give you the first-
hand information you need for yourself and your CFO.
you to try us out now, at no cost. That will give you the first-
hand information you need for yourself and your CFO.

Free Version
Special purpose software with multiple models and scenario planning. Ensures that providers never fall short on their inventory.

Reduce urgent
purchase shipping
and supply costs
Know where to find supply alternatives, if needed.

potential gaps
in patient care
Balance what you need and stay on track with
your supplies.
your supplies.