Reach Hospital
Maintaining an accurate list of hospitals and
decision-makers can be challenging and typically
involves manually combining information from
multiple sources. SupplyCopia provides you with a
single source to get straight to the decision-makers.
It’s our continuously-updated database of supply
chain and finance contacts at 6,000+ U.S. hospitals.
To help you reach your best audience, the database
also includes purchasing insights into which
promotions piqued a buyer’s interest.

Reach hospital
Maintaining an accurate list of hospitals and
decision-makers can be challenging and typically
involves manually combining information from
multiple sources. SupplyCopia provides you with a
single source to get straight to the decision-makers.
It’s our continuously-updated database of supply
chain and finance contacts at 6,000+ U.S. hospitals.
To help you reach your best audience, the database
also includes purchasing insights into which
promotions piqued a buyer’s interest.
A fully-maintained
list of hospital
Completely managed and updated for you.

contacts from
6,000+ hospitals
Instantly select key targets, accurately.

Sourced in one
single, accurate
Save time and money previously spent purchasing
and manually combining multiple lists.
and manually combining multiple lists.

Get your products
in front of decision-
makers faster
Target specific pricing and promotions to those making
product decisions.
product decisions.

Eliminate CRM
purchases and
Leverage the data right from the platform and target
appropriate decision makers.

Re-target customer
accounts by their
size, specialty areas
Customize your product and pricing to a specific audience
and increase your success rate.

Get Started
Waiting is the hardest part. So, we’ve developed options for
you to try us out now, at no cost. That will give you the first-
hand information you need for yourself and your CFO.
you to try us out now, at no cost. That will give you the first-
hand information you need for yourself and your CFO.